Frequency Coaching

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Making Time for Yourself

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” – Stephen R. Covey.

We ask for more time, to create moments, to create more memories ideally filled with light, pleasure, and the expression of your existence. Surely, having been forced to stay confined has created more of what we want? Or are we all wanting to go back to work, to escape our loved ones, ourselves once again? Time and time and time again, we ask and we receive. Yet we never notice the gift that sits on our laps. Use this time, to grow, to find flow, and to show the fuck up for yourself. Step into a new you, someone that can give more than they take. One that sees life completely differently.

But all jokes aside, we are living in a space where we no longer give ourselves the time of day. Most things are focused on work, friends, the kids, or other stresses. Slowly but surely we wither away as we have prioritized everything other than the person that truly needs it. That person is you.

Why would we avoid giving ourselves a bit of R and R or digging into a DMC - for the non-millennials this is a Deep Meaningful Conversation. It's important to recharge, to switch off, and get to discover yourself be it 15min a day it's so worth it. You spend every moment with yourself, think about it.

Take yourself for a night out on the town, dig into a book or even go for a walk. Just enjoy some precious moments. Focus on being truly present throughout the process.

One that understands, that all this change is only for the better will make the most of their time.