Frequency Coaching

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A Mind on Overdrive

The 21st Century has brought upon a new problem for us, Information Overload. Information is being assimilated and shared rapidly and our minds, lives and bodies are overwhelmed.


Information overload

Information overload is the state of feeling overwhelmed by the volume of information to the point at which one feels more confused than knowledgeable about a particular topic. Information overload can manifest itself as brain fog and difficulty making decisions.

Thought. The very nature of it is overwhelming and whimsical. We are the only forms on this plain of existence that can create and destroy worlds with our thoughts and actions.

Although with this power comes a great deal of responsibility - and yes this is from spiderman.

This may be your first step in the self-development world or you could be someone that is always exploring different ways to expand and meet yourself. Either or, overwhelm, overthinking and information overload leads to inaction, lack of clarity and uncertainty.

In today’s world, we are all consuming information at a rapid rate. The human brain consumes between 34 to 74gigs a day. The processing capacity of the conscious mind has been estimated at 120 bits per second. Information overload is the state of feeling overwhelmed by the volume of information to the point at which one feels more confused than knowledgeable about a particular topic. Information overload can manifest itself as brain fog and difficulty making decisions, lack of energy, creativity and so on.

Quick Check-in: Do you think that information overload & overthinking is currently impacting your performance, your creativity and your overall well-being?

Social media has changed how this world works - refer to study and now in the age of Tiktok and reels focus, consumption and lack of personal self-generated opinions are at an all-time low. Why? We are thinking the same. As a collective, we no longer ingest information, filter it through our intuition and then decide if this is something that we resonate with.

Have you noticed how information is regurgitated & shared, the same video, CTA, style etc. where is the creative audacity to be original, and stand out? This is not just referencing content this is about how we are lacking the creativity, spark and clarity in our own lives.

This “information overload” is the REAL pandemic. If you are too overloaded your performance wanes AND you cannot show up in your OWN life. You’re not present, you're on a default setting and really how is that going?

I recognised a while back that I got stuck in this trap. I was locked into the news, scrolling on Tiktok, gifting my dopamine to all of the social media. This took away my will, and motivation and I was severely lacking direction. So being the person I am calling myself out to was the only way to move out of this slump. There was far too much ‘busyness’ in my mind and space.

I wanted to give my mind, body and soul a reset. Where I recalibrate to my resonance and tap into that inner sanctum of wisdom. Starting from the foundation of how I constructed my life. Creating from the heart, decluttering my mind and aligning myself with my higher values.

If you are ready to recalibrate, align, and move out of this stagnant space of information overload then carry on reading….

This is the exact framework I used to unload and recalibrate myself and in turn my life. It has radically changed my mental health and has reconnected me with something deeper within myself.

If you are up to the challenge because this can get really uncomfortable then join me on this journey.


  • Little to No Consumption of any External information - no podcasts, YouTube, Netflix, or Books (If it's work or study related, yes that is okay)

  • No Bouncing ideas or thoughts off others - you need to become your own person, make up your own mind and trust your intuitive self

  • A Daily Meditation - not guided, you sitting still within yourself stepping into the uncomfortable spaces residing in your body and mind.

  • A practice of self-compassion and letting go.

  • Daily Journaling - not a word, a page - reflect on your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

  • A life worth living is a life worth recording. Bonus - use the prompts in the book to structure your journaling.

  • Take a creative action - something coming from you - be it pen to paper, a business idea, or a personal invite you are connecting to that spark that resides within you.

  • Move the body - workout, walk or do yoga Be consistent - show up each day, and work with the ebbs and flows when things come up in your space

I have used the above framework for about 4 weeks and then created filters on what I wanted to allow into my space.

If you liked the above framework and want to actually dive deeper I would love to invite you to check out the full 30-Day Challenge.

We touch on the importance of dopamine, the need to declutter, and not consume as much information so that YOU can create more fulfilment and clarity in your life.

It's completely free and there is an ebook that you can use to follow along with additional Journaling prompts, stats etc.

If you are up for the challenge click here to check it out!

I wish to leave you with this thought.

Your life is in your hands, you get to make fresh new decisions each and every day. Show up for yourself, make space so that you can be more present and find more clarity in yourself.

Going back to the image above, are you being mindful or is your mind full?

Make the shift.