Frequency Coaching

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Trusting Yourself

You are your Path.
Trust your process
Affinity Soul

It’s so easy to listen to all the other voices and forget about the one that matter most, YOURS!

We have all had those moments when you're backed into a corner and a decision needs to be made. An action needs to be taken, theres no going back.

Sometimes the motion can be scary, but that's okay follow your gut. Move. Take action. That first step will open up new experiences and opportunities, even if you have no idea if theres something to step on.

That's the exciting part, that's the bit where the unknown meets expectation and excitement. In other words 'where the magic happens!'

Here are 5 ways you can start building trust in yourself.

1. Stop judging yourself

The thoughts you think about yourself matter. Would you trust a friend who was always cruel, abusive, and demeaning towards you? Hell no. It’s the same with trusting yourself, It only happens when you stop judging yourself.

2. Forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Nothing is stupid, everything helps everything. And forgive yourself for not doing better when you didn’t know better, and when you know better - DO BETTER. Everybody has failed and will fail at something, it’s a rite of passage.

3. Start to make and keep promises with yourself.

This part takes longer because trust isn’t regained overnight. Make small promises to yourself. Seriously, as small as you can. For example, if your habit is yoga, tell yourself all you need to do is get on the mat. You don’t even need to do 5 minutes. Then do everything you can to keep that promise.

4. Doing when you don’t feel like it.

You will be sick, your life will be in shambles the kids won’t stop fighting and you’re on the edge of a mental breakdown - this will happen periodically and sometimes all at the same time. But how you show up when you don’t feel like it or when you want to give up matters. First, recognise that these are dips in your motivation and that it will take a little extra effort to get through them.

5. Overcome Inertia with this Tool.

Recognise the negative thoughts you might be having about your ability to get through them, or the rationalizations that you have to not do it, and don’t listen. Third, tell yourself that all you need to do is find some extra motivation —use the 5-4-3-2-1 rule to get out of your head and just to it!

Here's where you use the Mel Robbins 54321 rule. When you feel the hesitation, you count down in your head, “5-4-3-2-1.” And then, without a second's delay, you start doing your task. Just like a rocket launching into space! This rule helps to disrupt the habit loop of procrastination and fear in our brains.

Four steps and a tool to practice is all it takes. Choice followed by, a moment and consistency.

If you want to dive deeper check out some of the other blog posts and our podcast